Also at RePEc and at Economists online




Emanuele Felice i Michelangelo Vasta
"Passive Modernization? The New Human Development Index and Its Components in Italy’s Regions (1871-2007)."

Giuseppe Munda
"Beyond GDP: Methodological and measurement issues in redefining ´wealth´."

Oswaldo Viteri Salazar i Jesús Ramos Martín
"Improving the organisation and commercialisation of small coffee and cocoa producers in the Northern Amazon Region of Ecuador."

Eloi Serrano i Xavier Cussó
"Soberanía alimentaria y cambios en la dieta en México 1961-2009. Una primera aproximación a partir de los datos sobre consumo aparente de la FAO."

Nancy Arizpe, Jesús Ramos Martín i Mario Giampietro
"An analysis of the metabolic patterns of two rural communities affected by soy expansion in the North of Argentina."

Xavier Cussó i Ramon Garrabou
"Alimentació i nutrició al Vallès Occidental. Un segle i mig de canvis i permanències: 1787-1936."

Emanuele Felice i Albert Carreras
"The roots of success: industrial growth in Italy reconsidered, 1911-1951."

Francisco J. Medina-Albaladejo i José M. Martínez-Carrión
"La competitividad de las exportaciones de vino español y el mercado mundial 1960-2011."

Jesús Ramos Martín
"La insostenibilidad energética del “Gran Dragónâ€: China 1985-2009."

Emanuele Felice
"Neither dashboard nor ´mashup´ indices: an empirical wealth approach as a pathway to a comprehensive measure of development."